Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Jewelry box design ideas:
-Design for the top, maybe just a simple diamond outline
-Beveled edges for side panels
-Some kind of quote for the front or top panel?
-Styles of box from examples like this:

Frost yourself:

Conceptual Thoughts:
-Jewelry boxes function as containers for valued possessions
-Their sizes afford for human personal use
-Lids/locks allow for secret and safe keeping
-Jewels represent objects of consumption
-Jewelry boxes are typically for women with an expensive assortment of jewelry
-The idea of having one's own diamond mine for personal use is a statement of excess and greediness, especially with an oversized jewelry box, which implies that a normal sized one would be too small to fit all of a person's jewels.

Stuff is working..Yay

The LED strip working:

The set up for the LED strip:

This is the light sensor tutorial from Beginning Arduino, we were going to use the Ultra Sonic Range Finder but realized that it might be better to use the light sensor if we have it on the lip of the box so when someone opens the box the lights will be triggered by the light of the room. We still have to make them work together and the coding for the light sensor to turn off instead of just slow down.

Making music! (now with Processing!)

So we had arduino reading data from the ultrasonic range finder last class, and we hooked it up to a piezo to make tones.

We decided we really did not like the arduino tones, and playing an mp3 file just isn't fast enough to do what we want, so we came up with an idea to hook it up to processing.

Using a cipher library for processing I found, we got processing reading the pwmRange from arduino via serialEvent and then turn it into a tone range for a bunch of piano keys processing writes up itself (meaning no external mp3 files, its all processing.) Now we haven't played around with tweaking the data to get it working correctly with the keys yet, but you can see how its already working in the video.

By using processing, we can also directly record the audio on the computer without any need of microphones or capturing background noise.

Monday, November 26, 2012

RGB LED strip

So going to try and use the RGB LED strip instead of the christmas lights, could help out with different effects as well. With being able to use more then just white, but use maybe like the soft blue you can see in the video from the tutorial below.


Found the data sheet for it as well:


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Hacking nonsense

So started to do the tutorial found about hacking the LED christmas lights, and running into some problems. We dont have all the right transistors and cant get more then one light working. If we cant get them working we will use singular LEDs to create the same effect. Also did the tutorial for the ultra sonic range finder to test and see how it works since we have not used one yet. The ones I found had really bad soldering jobs, tried to fix them but they still didnt work either, so we shall see if there is anymore that someone else had from the first project. 

some sensor research for final


Saturday, November 24, 2012

final project process

So the only thing we are changing from our code is the Random Array functions because we are going to have several threshold values with one video for each one, not several random videos for one threshold. With our concept we are being critical about society and how its "rules" upset a lot of people. Here are some sketches of the videos that are going to be displayed (THE DRAWINGS ARE GOING TO BE MUCH BETTER!!) :

So with each change of value it will change to the next video that shows the person looking more and more obese.
The way the values will change is when people grab food from the bowl. The lighter the bowl is, the lower the value. The FSR under the bowl will sense it and send a command to play the next video:

Monday, November 19, 2012

final project process

By using 4 ultrasonic rangefinder  set a different heights on different walls we plan on tracking people preforming different types of dances and varying movements (curtsey of Nezla being president of the salsa club). We currently have the rangefinder connected to a piezo so it creates different sounds based on the distance of the person in relation to the sensor. We want to record the sounds produced and allow the audience to listen to the soundscapes created from different types of dance. How does the sound created after the dance compare to the sound the dance was created to? what patterns will be created? We have two plans for creating this set up:

the first involving connecting each ardunio to the computer which then records the outputs from the range finder (no piezo) and brings them into processing where we will assign tones for each value and record these tones within the computer so there is no ambient noise recorded and processing allows us more flexibility with the type and variety of tone we want to use versus arduino which had very digital default sounding tone.

The back up plan is to create sound proof boxes which house the piezo and the microphone which will be hooked up to the computer and record into a recording program (audacity, garageband etc.) This would present a higher risk of having ambient noise recorded in the background and would record only the default tones of the arduino.

We also plan on video taping each performance to give a visual representation of the sound

Some challenges we have:

communicating with processing (Nisa will be our guru)
making sure the sound proof box is completely sound proof
making sure the dances have enough variety
possible dance types
arial dancing
hip hop

The dancers will also be confined to a marked off square based on the limit of the range finders

Presentation ideas:
a video interpretation
a video documentation
    set up on 3 separate computers
strictly audio stations labeled
diagraming steps
writing down the steps
train of thought while dancing

other ideas:
monitoring sounds created from foot traffic in different locations
daily routine

Some more Ultrasonic Range Finder tests: Processing Edition

So as seen from the videos Nezla posted, one of the tests we did was hook up the ultrasonic range finder  data into the serial port so that Processing could read and process it. To visualize that the data was coming through easily, I simply turned the read (which was coming in at inches) to the diameter of an elipse in processing. The result was the closer you were to the sensor, the smaller the circle. (IE: It did what we wanted it to do.)

Arduino Code: (project 38 modified)

// Project 38
#define sensorPin 9
long pwmRange, inch, cm;
void setup() {
  // Start serial communications
  pinMode(sensorPin, INPUT);
void loop() {
pwmRange = pulseIn(sensorPin, HIGH);

  // 147uS per inch according to datasheet
  inch = pwmRange / 147;


Processing Code: (an example I do not remember)
import processing.serial.*;
Serial myPort; // The serial port:
  //one variable needed for the circle diameter
int circDiameter;

void setup() {
  size(400, 300);
    // match the port correctly from the printed serial list
  myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);

void draw() {
  fill(165, 27, 27);
  ellipse(width/2, height/2, (circDiameter*10)-500, (circDiameter*10)-500);

void serialEvent(Serial myPort) {
    // read String from the serial port:
  String inString = myPort.readString();
  float tempDiameter = float(inString);
    //turn serial info into the circDiameter variable
  circDiameter = int( map(tempDiameter, 0, 1023, 30, 250) );

Prototype for Final

So, we expanding and kind of have a solid project idea which Alisyn posted about here:
Here's a video of arduino talking to processing:

This video shows processing reacting more accurately with the arduino's information.

project notes

I. ultrasonic range finder w/piezo
     1. measures distance, proximity
          A. alarm - too close
               i. direct to a specific location with alarm system - sheep
                    a. artist intention - how to view a work
                    b. defining a space
                         I. mapping
          B. sound as a unit of measure
     2. movement
          A. dance
          B. gestures - similar to last project (talking with hands)
               i. defining a space, personal space

ceiling mesure height
wall measure width

connotation of sounds- high pitch = warning
music vs sound vs noise

painful high pitch- reaction "Make it stop!"
     fire alarm

digital sound connotes to technology, robots -R2D2

gallery vs a pubic space


project inspiration


One Minute Soundsculpture from Daniel Franke on Vimeo.

Theremin Video (Process)

This is a video of the actual project working as it should in the book with the numbers:
This videos contains 2 piezos being used together :
And this is a protype of what we imagine the sensors location would being. The sensor would be placed on the wall and walking by it when set it off.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Final Project Process

We have gotten our basic technology working!!! We actually found this tutorial in our textbook, project 41! Now, that we've gotten this to work, we can tweak and mess with the code and wiring to get it to do exactly what we want it to do.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Switch w Arduino

New prototype for my final project featuring the arduino. Not quite what I want it to do yet.

Monday, November 12, 2012

In the name of safety, where does it stop.

So we have come up with a proposal for exactly what we are going to be doing for our final project. We have decided that we are going to make a vest/harness/bookbag attachment that one would wear that is fixed with a left and right blinker, as well as a brake light. The left and right blinkers will be made of either (hopefully) two LoL matrices of LED's (if that is not possible because it is too late, we are going to improvise. We were thinking that the left and right blinker will be activated with buttons. I was even thinking… if at all possible, maybe accelerometers? I'm not sure if that would really work though, buttons is probably the safest bet.

I am going to talk about conceptually what this project means to me because I think both of our ideas conceptually were a little different although we are totally on the same track. Here is my side:

To me, he device is intended to be worn as a user walks, runs, bikes, skateboards, pretty much all the time, and it is intended to, well, make them safer. I kind of want to show the device as if it was a serious product, actually intended to save people from injury. Coming up with ridiculous stats about the object

-reduces the number of human to human collisions by more than 80%
-saves people walking from injury by letting others around them know which way you are going
-proven effective safety device in several scientific studies*
-increases life expectancy by over 10 years
-if you don't wear this vest you are going to die!
*not actually scientists

My favorite thing about this piece is how it can be taken as a complete joke, or as a totally serious product depending on how you put the spin on it. I want to maybe even like make an advertisement or something for the product we could display next to it. If time permits of course.

I think this piece can really mock laws in society that are intended and publicized as if they protect us. Every offender of this law is charged with a crime that had absolutely no victim. Other crimes such as speeding or drunk driving actually do have a victim, society, the person that they accidentally killed when they lost control of their car because they were going too fast. By not wearing your seatbelt, the only person you have put in danger is yourself. I always wear my seatbelt, but I don't wear it because they told me to, I wear it because I don't want to die in a car accident. I think the whole reason they have the 'seatbelt law' is so they can profile people and pull them over with little to no reason, and if the person asks for a reason, all they have to say is they looked like they weren't wearing a seatbelt. I don't know. Maybe I'm a conspiracy theorist. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm right.

Back to the harness/vest: to me this device poses the question:

'In the name of safety, where does it stop?
'In the name of safety, when does it stop?
'In the name of safety, when will it stop?
'In the name of safety, when will they stop?
'In the name of safety, where will they stop?

I'm not really sure which way is the best way to word it.

This article is sponsored by Mothers Against Drunk Driving

sd card

we had some problems . . .









Erin | Sdcard and real time clock

SD card Testing and RTC Time clock exercises

Reading an SD Card for our first exercise.
The layout for the Arduino in Example 1
The serial monitor reading time with the RTC chip.
Another shot of example 1 with SD card, without the RTC chip
Finished example 2 with RTC clock chip

Binary Counters - Project 17 and 18

Sunday, November 11, 2012

led matrix

Project 21

Project 19

Project 20

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Final project - The automatic gifter

So for my final project, I plan on making an automated gifting machine. Ive been looking into relational aesthetics and "the social practice". A few of the things that interest me/ overarching themes in my personal work is the suspension of time, animating the inanimate and the narration of a moment. Three artist's who I am looking at right now are Rirkrit Tiravanija, Felix Gonzalez-Torres and Tehching Hsieh.

As for the actual design of the piece, I am planning on building some kind of box or dispensing unit which will be mounted on the wall. It will have an internal corkscrew attached to a motor which will be triggered by a push button switch. The corkscrew will trap candy pieces inside the dispensing unit within its threads and as it turns, the candy will be pushed out of a small opening in the bottom of the box. Below is a video of my preliminary circuit. You will notice that it does not feature the use of a micro controller; just straight electronic wiring. I'm am considering using the arduino and writing a code that will run the motor for a specified amount of time when the switch is triggered.

LED Matrix

Final Process

Before we go out and buy lights to try and hack I wanted to see what kind people were able to use. Most of the blogs or things I have found used the big GE Color Effects G-35 which would probably be to big and are said to be like $30. Looking up more on hacking x-mas lights I came across this link:


where they use just simple LED color lights that are like $3-5 to add a effect to them. And since we wouldn't be using color lights most likely just white to create the diamond effect this seems like a better place to start.

It gives us step by step on how to test and connect the lights up with the arduino and includes code. Here is one of the diagrams for the set up.

Many places sell fake craft diamonds or gems that will work well if we break them up and place them within the wall of the jewelry box. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Erin | Final Project Process (draft)

My previous work has contained themes of order and disorder and more recently has begun edging towards the space between presence and non-presence. Translucency, layers, mark-making, language or rather some denial or discomfort with it (especially in terms of the ineffable as being the failure of words to adequately express experience). My processes often require a careful attention to my materials and remaining responsive to accidents and happenstance while attempting to elicit form. It is a dialogue. Sometimes I feel the way I'm working is a bit like walking through a fog. I know the general direction I should be headed, but I'm waiting to see what emerges as I work.

At the moment a number of studies in my studio include things very responsive to the air currents of the room, one is a very light piece of Japanese gampi ("silk tissue") and the other is actual silk. I'm fascinated by the way they seem to breathe in here. They are seductive analog sensors.

This video of the silkworms I raised this past spring is something I think of in terms of translucency and markmaking among other ideas. 

I want to access a sense of atmosphere. How quiet can I make the work and still say something? I want to make work that visually whispers. 

One of my ideas was to create a drawing that harnessed the visually breathing in some work I made over the summer that move in response to the air currents in the room. I considered how two paper layers might move against and away from the bottom layer to reveal or obscure the image on the back layer. 

a more perfect blue from Erin Curry on Vimeo.

I like the way this reveals the unseen air currents, while the composition of the drawings change as the layers contact and separate. It would be interesting to exert more control and make the shifts more pronounced. This could be accomplished through the placement of RC fans below the drawings to move them. Or perhaps having a electric current complete when the layers contact one another in particular points. 

Then, I thought I'd like to make something that closed (a page that folded or a bag/crushed paper) or shied away using flexinol to shape my material. The image that kept coming to mind was sensitive briar which was a plant I played with as a kid. How might our relationship to text or other information change as is shied away from us? Or revealed itself when we are still?

[ I also considered and rejected a frame loom weaving that as the shuttle carrying the weft came in contact with the warp threads, sound from the farm the sheep were raised would play. or perhaps a loom made with a beehive frame would use the sound of the hive and a textile mill to talk about industry, but that's language I'm familiar with and it seems a little too direct to me right now. I'm more interested in developing a vocabulary that speaks to the ideas about presence and absence mentioned earlier]

This clip is of a study made on sanded acrylic sheet with graphite. I'm envisioning a work that emerges. 

Now that I write it, I'm clearly influenced by the silkworm, though I didn't consciously realize it until now. I'm intrigued by the way the build up of the drawing builds a physical presence through opacity and the material of graphite, while obscuring the view behind it, in essence, revealing presence while creating mystery.

The relationship of how a drawing machine like this might work best is something I need to consider more carefully, on one hand perhaps these marks can be made by a machine that makes them in darkness and when someone approaches it lights up from within and stops like chattering birds startled to silence. On the other hand, a work that is made only when the viewer is present speaks to how presence and attention can make a something minute meaningful. 

Otherwise I'm creating small analog compasses in my studio using a piece of cork, magnet and sewing needle in a cup of water. how can these small gestures speak to finding one's orientation in making, in the world?

What if the turning of the compass needle was the switch to activate the work? 
Or perhaps better, if the petri dish were extended on a lazy susan-like table and the device was oriented along the needle to activate the switch how might that change our relationship to something revealed?

Katerie pointed out this link about DIY transducers. Of course these are attractive. 

interesting link about spider silk studies done at FSU. 
" Working with silk from the same type of spider the FSU team used, he found that it transferred heat even better than such excellent conductors as aluminum and iron and that the conductivity improved as the silk was stretched. He measured a conductivity of 416 watts per meter-kelvin, compared with 401 W/m-K for copper. That property may lead to better heat sinks for microelectronics."

It has high thermal conductivity properties while silkmoth silk has very low conductivity. 

Meanwhile I'm looking forward to experimenting with the flexinol I ordered. 

link dump:
http://web.media.mit.edu/~marcelo/paper/index.html -pulp computing
Use Vaseline as a resist and a bath of salt and vinegar to etch away the copper from copper fabric to make circuits and sensors.

Thinking about machines and poetic spaces came across Evan Holm's work which seems like something closer to what I'm looking for.

Submerged Turntable from Brian Lilla on Vimeo.
| Drawing Machine #1 | Evan Holm from Evan Holm on Vimeo.

I particularly enjoy the sense of fantasy about these pieces which taps into the elements of the hybridization of natural materials and aging technology. As well as the triggering of magical realism and fascination with the magic of real things present in certain works of fiction (Murakami and Gabriel Garcia Marquez come to mind). Thinking too about Ponyo where a variety magical things happen, but perhaps the most delightful moment is when the mother makes ramen for Ponyo and the boy. She carefully mixes everything, covers the meal with the lid and a few minutes later reveals a cooked meal to the delight of Ponyo. How does this moment differ from the delight of the class in making a simple motor with a battery, magnet, and copper wire? How can this be triggered artfully?

Thinking more about some gestures can be a trigger for something else.  I'd like to use the gesture of lighting a candle to trigger a lightsensor which used LEDs to illuminate other areas of the room, or a drawing. The candles would be lit for only a short time (either because the candle would run out or a small fan would blow it out) which would turn off the effect elsewhere. 

Erin | Project 31 and 32 (+ fritzing) and GCLD examples

add fritzing

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Erin | Project 19, 20, 21

skipped the resistors they weren't need for such a small run. 

Project 19 20 21

Project 17 and 18 - Single and Binary Counter Exercise

Here is project 17 and 18 completed:

Project 17 - Single Binary Counter -
Project 18 - Dual Binary Counter -

Pro 17&18

I took a picture instead of a video by accident.

Projects 4,5,6,11,12,13,14

Make up work

Chapter 3 project 5

project 6

project 10