Monday, September 30, 2013

Affordances Q&A

1. An affordance is a method of physical interaction with an object that allows an individual to use said object. A complication of a "possibility" is the way in which it is interpreted per individual, meaning one "possibility" could actually have many possibilities, leading to confusion in a general consensus. Examples of this could could be color interpretation by multiple different cultures. An affordance could also be modified, changing its original "possibility" for others.

2. Affordances may get outdated because evolution has eliminated the need for such a possibility, or the meaning of the possibility might change altogether. That being said, evolution and affordances are equally and directly influential indefinitely upon each other, affecting the way we see affordances and the way they're created.

3. Habitat is the physical place one resides, whereas a niche is a role in that habitat. An example of an habitat would be a school and a niche is a teacher. Our niches are that of students.

    A. Window Glass
          Being a transparent surface, it allows us to see through a solid, otherwise, opaque surface. It also acts as a two way portal for things like light and heat which can be used to brighten the interior of a space and warm it up.
    B. Glasses
          Made up of a series of affordances, the lens, the frame, and the two hooks, we can understand that we look through the transparent lens, the bridge goes over the nose, so the frame and lens fits on the front of our face over our eyes and finally, the two hooks go behind your ears as a way to keep the object on your face without you having to hold it. Glasses can either offer comfort as they shade from the sun or improve vision.

2. Utility is the function of an object and usefulness is how applicable the function of an object is in a certain situation.

3. A false accordance could be a wall painted with a picture of the horizon. It gives the illusion of an expansive space but is physically finite and confined to a certain set of dimensions.

4. There are definitely some affordances that we might not pick up on that could be because affordances might be cultural. Different cultures have different symbology and meaning and ideas and the same thing applies people with handicaps. We adapt, so if my legs don't function and I'm restricted to a wheelchair, a floor is no longer something to walk on. The basic purpose doesn't change, but I adapt it for my own purposes so it can still function for me how I need it to function.

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