Wednesday, September 7, 2011

3 Artists

Ben Rubin and EAR Studio
Ben Rubin is a New York based artist. He works with EAR studio which is comprised of architects, programers, and artists whom he collaborates with to create his projects. many of them consist of using specific text and displaying it in public places.
In Story Pipeline he takes the spoken word stories of Alaskans and transforms them into a steam of text in the form of a scrolling LED display that weaves in and out of their community center.

He tends to do a lot of work dealing with architecture and places people visit. For the restaurant Brasserie he created a video installation that displays delayed video images of each customer as they walk in the door.

In Listening Post, Rubin pulls text in real time, from thousands or unrestricted chat rooms. This one is my favorite piece because it shows visually the mass amounts of communication going on in one given moment. The texts are also read by a synthesizer so the element of sound also adds to this whole effect of a massive amount of conversation going on, right at this moment.

Jim Conti
Show Your Stripes

Sheldon Brown
Sheldon Brown works with creating interactive experiences between humans and computers, blurring boundaries between the worlds of both. Much of his work reminds me of gaming or virtual reality.
In his piece Smoke and Mirrors, he speaking about advertisements, from the tobacco industry specifically and inserts the image of the user into a virtual environment that speaks about the cultural and social history of the industry.

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