Saturday, December 3, 2011

Pumpkin Code Causing Frustration

So... My wave shield works, this is no longer a problem for me. I have my proximity sensor ready to go and I'm all ready to create my set-up. I have my code from the pumpkin project, I plug it in and nothing works! I keep getting all kinds of Errors. I'm looking through the code trying to figure out what's happening here. I know it has to be the code, because the Proximity sensor works. I checked the serial monitor and I am getting a readout of Data- but no sound.

I think it has something to do with the Library I'm using. When I built the wave shield, Lady Ada suggested that I download waveHC, a newer and better library. However- it seems that the code for the pumpkin project is using the older AF wave library. It appears that no one has updated the code in a a few years. I checked the forums for some help. There was a few people with the same problem as me, but no great suggestions as how to help. One person suggested just replacing the text wherever it said the old library with the new one, but that definitely didn't work. :(

I need to figure out how to change the code so it will work with the new library- I feel like I have no clue where to start. hopefully someone can help me out in class, I'm so frustrated that I can't make progress as fast as I'd like without hitting these impossible roadblocks. ugh!!!!

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