Sunday, September 11, 2016

HW | 9/12/16

Project 5

Project 6

Junk circuit board:

1. Contrast the speed of an electron with the speed of electrical motion in one sentence.
The speed of an electron refers to an individual electron revolving around an atom's nucleus, while electrical motion refers to the overall speed and direction of an electron or electron(s) due to interaction with other atoms.

2. Briefly explain the relationship between resistance and energy. Use an example from your house.
With Ohm's law, V = IR, where V= voltage, I=Current (flow of energy), and R = resistance, from this simple equation, we can conclude energy and resistance are inversely proportional. The example the Electricity Manga book provided is that of light bulb. Where it has a resistance that converts electric energy to light energy.

3. What is the difference in AC and DC current? Give and example of each from your daily life.

 DC or direct current, electric charge(current) is only flowing in one direction. On the other hand AC or Alternating Current changes direction periodically allowing for voltage control. The most straightforward DC example is the battery where it has a negative and positive channel, and the flow of energy(current) goes from negative to positive. Think any appliance using battery for power, such as flashlight . Common household appliances such as lamps and microwaves rely on AC flow. This is because the electricity comes from external power plant, and the oscillating traveling pattern of AC makes it an efficient and safer traveler.

4. Determine the equivalent resistance of a 6.0 Ω and a 8.0 Ω resistor if …
a.Connected in series
    R = R1 + R2
    R = 6.0 Ω  + 8.0 Ω = 14 Ω 
b. Connected in parallel
    1 / R = 1 / R1 + 1 / R2
     1 / R = 1/ 6.0 Ω + 1/ 8.0 Ω = 7/24 Ω


  1. Great answer Xiaoxi on the difference between AC and DC.

    The "semiconductors" on your labeled board are more specifically what you would call an integrated circuit. This is a series of circuits planted into a single plate, or chip, of a semiconductive material, in this case silicon. The ICs on your board are used for reliably monitoring voltage inputs. What was this circuitboard from?

    I dug up the data sheet if it interests you:

  2. Great answer Xiaoxi on the difference between AC and DC.

    The "semiconductors" on your labeled board are more specifically what you would call an integrated circuit. This is a series of circuits planted into a single plate, or chip, of a semiconductive material, in this case silicon. The ICs on your board are used for reliably monitoring voltage inputs. What was this circuitboard from?

    I dug up the data sheet if it interests you:
