Monday, September 30, 2013


How do  you understand this definition/description of affordance? Please put into your own words. What if anything may or may not be problematic about this interpretation of the notion of affordances?

I interpret this to mean that an object's affordances describe it's function or aspects of it's function through it's form and appearance. These are going to be apparent weather or not every user of this object is able to decipher or see them right away. I think the only real issue is that we are habitually relying of the same form for similar functions over and over again, when there might be a much more efficient option that has yet to be explored yet. 

What might be the connection between affordance and evolution?

As we have evolved, we designed object to fit our body, and be as 'user friendly' as we could, which means that technology and cultural objects have evolved solely for humans.

What is the difference between a niche and a habitat? Explain in your own words and give an example of each. What is your niche?

A habitat is a place where an organism lives. On the other hand, a niche is that organisms role, or function, within that environment. My niche right now is being a human student trying to contribute to humans well-being. 

An affordance cuts the dichotomy of subjective and objective and helps us to understand its inadequacy. The affordances of the environment are facts of the environment, not appearances. But they are not on the other hand, facts at the level of physics concerned with matter and energy and animals left out.

Get into your groups and answer the following questions
Pick three aspects/environmental conditions of this room or the third floor of FAC. Describe each of these aspects as an affordance. What activity is implied by the material? What sorts of sensory input does this  condition/object offer the user? One way of doing this might be able to put yourself in the place of an alien. What about the object or condition compels you to act upon it in a particular way?

Within this class room, there are chairs sitting around a table. I Understand that People are meant to sit there because the chair is shaped perfectly for our legs and back. The table then falls perfectly at a comfortable place for us to use as a work surface. And as a Third object, I notice the door is meant to be opened because of the placement of the handle, as well as it's size and shape. 

What do you think is the difference between usefulness and utility with respect to affordances?

I think that usefulness relates more to an objects function, as in what it helps you do. Whereas Utility relates to the quality of that function. 

What might be a false affordance? Create a situation other than that of the cat on the glass floor who is afraid to walk because the glass is transparent and there is a drop in floor? Think about how zoos keep animals in w/o cages or slapstick comedy.

I think false affordances Intend to imitate a real affordance, But are really either useless, or completely ineffective. For Instance, At a zoo the animals are kept in their enclosures by something as simple as a trench. Most of the animals have the ability to climb or jump the trench, but they don't because to them it's a clear enough border for them to not even try. 

Are we aware of all of the affordances of an object or a condition?  Do you think affordances are cultural? Are they different for people with disabilities?  

No, I don't think EVERYONE is totally able to see affordances, especially between cultures. There are aspects of different lifestyles that the affordances were made for that other cultures may simply never consider. 
Draw parallels between the idea of affordances and intentionality and art. What is the relationship between metaphor and affordances? I think this might be worth thinking about this.

I think that affordances in art try to relay the artists intention of how the viewer interacts with thier work. For Instance, if an artist want the viewers to wear something, or to touch something, they would use some type of affordance to make it clear. 

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