Sunday, November 24, 2013

Working on coding/tech for project

Ok so I used the SERVO MOTOR SHEILD, because having 16 servo motors at once for our project would be, well, balling. But the reference for this thing and the way in which you must translate PWM into angles is so confusing that I'm about to give up on the servo motor shield. It barely works running on example code, and worst of all, there is NOTHING on the internet about it, giving me far too little code to "borrow." Probably a failure. It's so confusing. I feel like a 5th grader in math class again who is struggling with the creeping idea that she is indeed a very ignorant individual and has been all along. I am also exceptionally bad at soldering and seem to just get worse at it every time.

HOWEVER, It did show me the value of using an outside power source for motors. That was basically my issue all along, duh. I think I may be able to use regular code for less, but still a few, motors.

Here is some altered example code that gets a motor to twitch randomly, must to the same effect Casey's rangefinder code USED to have when it worked. If I add some more delay to this, I think it can provide an interesting "buggy" motion for some of the smaller bugs, or perhaps moving parts.

Here's my plan for the parts layout:

LIGHTS: Long breadboards with a COUPLE of 74H etc binary counters, allowing MANY lights to be controlled at once. I think only one or two of these will be connected to the rangefinder. The rest will have some random blinking going on. Yes, I need to code this, but I figure LEDS are on a lower difficulty level than motors and I already have a lot going on with them anyway. Also, some of those cute TINY breadboards can be installed inside larger bugs for LOTS of light.

MOTORS: Long breadboards with many motors powered by battery or wall power source. Controlled by codes that creates twitchy movements, possibly control bugs or even bug parts like "wings."


-Code random light action
-Refine random motor code
-DESIGN BUGS! I'm totally uninspired about what these buggers will look like because the technical stuff consumes me so much. I need to figure out WHAT these bugs will look like and how I can use the sensors to make them more interesting, as well as surface alterations.

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