Sunday, November 20, 2011

And A Little More Progress

So, the original idea was stemming off a plan to incorporate a kinect hack that would in turn control a video on a projection screen.
But as time and human capacities allow, I have realized that this IS possible, but not in the three weeks remaining in this semester and incorporating the materials we have learned in this class.

So instead, I have humbled myself and finalized a sensor-fied setup that will accomplish the same goal of intently exploring a space with movement and video.

The simple hookup is this:
Proximity sensors (input)-->Arduino-->Processing-->Video (output)
Basically, the arduino will take the input that the proximity sensors pick up, translate it to processing, and processing will, in turn and in theory, manipulate the video.

Links to code I that'll jump start me with the proximity sensors:

Tweakable code for interfacing Arduino with Processing:

Processing video refresher:

Kind of exactly what I'm looking for in a YouTube tutorial:
These are the guys who run it:

For future notice with Max/MSP:
Video sidenote: (not useful yet)

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