Monday, December 8, 2014


The affordances of anything specific combination of properties of its substance and its surfaces taken with reference to an animal. The invariant combination of properties is "meaningful" whereas an single property is not. So perhaps affordance is the meaning of the surface and the substances attached to it which could be listed forever.

A lot of people don't era;ize that in the last a thousand years man has modified almost every part of the worlds surface. Furthermore natural materials of the world have been mixed and converted in to man made materials like bronze and iron.

This is because man has made the world to further benefit himself. Making it easier to get food, stay warm, see at night and raise offspring.

3 objects in class

chair - the chair being on a stand with a back cushion implies that you sit on it, but what exactly has programmed our brain that this surfaces implies to sit. Man had originally sat on the ground or on surfaces i doubt they had discovered to build chairs but rather stools. Interestingly enough now when i see someone sitting on a stool they seem uncomfortable. Therefore, i believe this surface is controlled by the advancing of convince man has applied to the world. To make ones life easier.

The mouse - the mouse is interesting surface bc its an apple mouse, so at first using one i was a bit annoyed that you could clearly see the left right button. But after further looking in to it i realize that its better because it allows you to program which buttons do what rather than standard buttons. Furthermore, it holds more physical attraction from its sleek smooth design.

screensaver - i thought this was interesting surface bc its technically not necessary yet adds much appeal to the lab. Without the screen savers everything seems so dull, the screen saver almost lures students into wanting to use the machines. Which i wonder whether that was the intent from the original design of the surface.

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