Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Final Process.5

Everything seems to be running smoothly. The sound sensors have been soldered and connected to the arduino, the led lights are all up and emitting light. I went to walmart and bought some fake flowers because I was thinking that it might make people want to converse more easily but I don't think I'm going to use them; they're really in your face. I don't know, I'll bring them with me as I'm setting up and I'll decide if I need them or not. The overall lamp looks a little eh but I'm not going to sweat it because I literally did it in one night. I wish we had had more time for this project. This class was cool and I learned a lot and I wish that I could have shown that better. Oh well. Anyways, here's what I've got:

I'm also planning on using one of the tables in the room outside the crit space and putting it in the crit room so that there can be a fair amount of darkness and only the lamp will illuminate the two conversationalists.

Here's the code I'm using:
int led1= 13;
int threshold1= 600;
int volume1;

void setup(){
   pinMode(led1, OUTPUT);


void loop(){
   volume1 = analogRead(A0);


      digitalWrite(led1, LOW);

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