Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Sites of Interest and Artists of Interest

Don't know why I didn't have this posted before :/ So here are some cool artists and sites.

1. http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?board=19.0

This is arduino's official board for interactive art! Like any forum online about art, there is a lot of crap, but I have come across helpful and innovative ideas on here throughout the semester.

2. http://www.creativeapplications.net/tag/arduino/

Inspiring blogs about creative applications for the arduino. Lots of nice projects that stay on the more conceptual side.

3. http://vimeo.com/groups/arduinoart

Vimeo Group for arduino artists, a nice variety of projects on here.

Artists of interest:

1. http://cargocollective.com/lesiatrubat/E-TRACES-memories-of-dance by Lesia Trubat

Wow! This is an amazing project that uses pointé ballet shoes on a dancer and lilypad arduino and sensors on the bottom of the shoe to interface with a phone and create a representation of the dancer's moves. It makes you think about the various movements that happen in analog space and how they could be captured with innovative sensors. I think Jay would be interested in this project actually.

2. http://instagram.com/dimzayan/?utm_source=partner&utm_medium=embed&utm_campaign=video Gregory Mirzayantz Instagram

He posts a lot of interesting LED arduino projects that remind me of the lamp crystals I have created this semester. He actually has a "polygon light" that is pyramidal but not as good finish quality as mine :P It makes me want to make a crystal that has an accelerometer sensor in it, though.

3. http://driftinginlight.tumblr.com Drifting in Light by Zyia Z

Interactive aquarium-like abstracted installation art. Arduino is used to control the movement of CNC Milled acrylic in crazy colors and psychedelic lighting as viewers move through the full room installation.

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