Monday, October 22, 2012

Midterm project reflections and critique

I will begin by stating what I found out to be most difficult or worthy of reviewing in this project:

  1. I should have used more sensors, and specially putting them on the legs which was probably one of the places most people have accessed.
  2. The selection of videos should have been more precise and its quality could be higher.
  3. I should find another type of wire for the doll, and longer ones.

Now, I shall address other critiques that were made and that I found worthy of note:

  1. Rethinking the true violence within the videos. Instead of judging "good video" from "bad video", gathering videos with different violences should do the trick.
  2. Rethinking the size of the doll and how the sensors are connected to it.
  3. Rethink the concept behind the doll.

Ultimately, I think it makes sense to redo this piece later on those terms, using either Processing or Flash to communicate with Arduino.

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