Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Lin and Kelsey Final Doc

I'd love the footage that was taken of the class interacting with that if someone would comment on the post!

Interactive LED Light Box from K. Olson on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. I think this piece turned out beautifully, hats off to you guys. I wish I could have been at crit to experience it fully. I think it's interesting that in the projection on the wall(in this video at least), you can see a very clear divide between the red, green, and blue (RGB), and also can see how those colors combine in spots to make white light. The final pattern you guys chose for the LEDs was not as dense as I envisioned, but still had the same effect. Craft-wise, the box looks nice. However, the wire hanging down from the box is slightly distracting for me. I wish there was a way to make it battery-powered instead. Is that even possible for this project?

    The piece has a short of shyness about it, in the way that an animal who is scared of a human will back away gingerly. It feels as if the viewer is trying to sneak up on the piece. Art usually behaves in a way where it is meant to be seen and observed, but this piece has somewhat of a hostile, stubborn nature. In addition to a definition of art, art is also meant to be experienced, and even though we cannot fully see the piece, the act of it turning off is an experience. It may go against the visual nature of artwork, like the nature of photographs, but from a digital art standpoint, it still retains a strong sense of art. I think its interesting that the two of you, being in photo, combined your practice with a digital medium which is so different at points.
