Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Crit Thoughts

Well our first go at our sensor performance wasn't very successful. It didn't all. When we hooked everything up again and tried it, it worked. We were happy that it did what it was supposed to, but certain things were brought to our attention that could've been thought out further and deeper, so we  appreciated all the comments and suggestions. Looking back at it after everything is done, I do feel it was a bit of a prototype as of 10/28/13. Twitter is a pain in the ass and has an incredible amount of restrictions on what can and can't be done, which we learned along the way. One thing we want to focus more on is to establish the personality of our speaker, whether that is the entire house or if it is bits and pieces of the house. But it was a lot of good feed back that made sense and that if we continue this project will definitely be implemented into the final piece.

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