Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Project House expansion

So I'm not entirely sure how the project Anna and I worked on will fit into the house exhibition. As far as dealing with personal space, I'm not sure that concept wise it would fit in so well. Still, we can use the hats as security sensors on "important objects" in the house, sending out a warning is someone gets too close. Or we could place sensors on the doors, to inhibit people from leaving or entering with out "distressing" the house.

On the other hand, we could do something somewhat reversing the sensor. Instead of going off when someone gets to close, perhaps the hats will force people to search for company. For instance, in a quiet empty home, when no one is around the viewer, the earpiece will start playing whispers and creeks and just unusual white noise sounds that an uneasey parinoid person might imagine. But, once they panic, and start searching for someone else to see if the noises are real, the sounds go away. In this way, it will show how staying in hope, alone, out of any social contact make the brain produce it's own 'company' or noise.

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