Sunday, October 20, 2013

Project Process 3

OMG....after countless hours on Friday messing with WiFi, we decided to finally just give up on using WiFi because it just wasn't working. We tried everything we could possibly think of and more, looking at tons of different sketches online and tweaking it to what we thought could work. We added lines of code, deleted lines of code, commented things out, tried different connections; NOTHING. For some reason, UF's network just would not allow us to connect wirelessly to it. So we went  the Ethernet route and after many hours of trying to establish a connection AND tweet from one sensor, WE GOT IT TO CONNECT AND TWEET! CHECK IT OUT! It was said that students tried to get the Twitter thing to work and they all couldn't do it. Well, WE DEFEATED THE ODDS FOR ALL THE NAYSAYERS (cough cough Katerie).

Essentially in this example prototype, you would tap/hit/flick the Piezo, which then sends a tweet saying various things like, "Stop tapping me!" or "Hey, what was that for?", etc., etc. Although our intent was to utilize the WiFi to tweet wirelessly from all the sensors, we've come to terms with settling for the Ethernet connection, even though now we have to think about all the wires and hiding them in some way.

We also worked on this Saturday evening and got more done, adding 3 sonar rangefinders to KIND OF tweet, depending on the distance. We still need to tweak that a bit though.

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