Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wobbly table is born!!!

Witness the wobble!

We took an old door and cut down the size to about four feet by three feet. With the door cut like this it left some open space between the panels that create the door making attaching the legs very easy and giving us some space to hide any electronic components.

We used 1/2 in threaded metal rods and washers and nuts to create small posts to attach 2 1/2 ft by 1/2 in PVC pipes. The rods were attached by drilling holes in the table and securing the rods on the bottom and inside the panels of the door. Then the PVC pipes and feet were slid on.

The small width of the pipes helped a lot with the wobble factor and it only tool a small push or a little weight to make the table almost fall over.

Maybe we outdid ourselves for worse! We'll see once we determine the weights we attach, how we will activate the motor, how it will move and if we can stabilize the table without reducing it's wobbliness.

Process work from Lin and Kelsey

Lin and I wrote up our prelim code for the midterm project. Look! shy LED

Wednesday, September 28, 2011