Wednesday, September 28, 2011

dan and sam's great sensor hunt 9/28/11 (click on the images to make them smaller and legible)

1. handicap door button; press button = open door
2. digital energy reader; power goes through it = numerical read-out
3. bus fare machine; reads card or takes money = counts number of passagers
4. thermometer; reads temp = numerical read-out
5. atm = reads electronic strip on card = gives you money!
6. fire alarm control; reads signal from remote sensors = sends alert to fire dept?
7. "safety station"; press button = alerts police and lights up and makes noise?
8. touch screen; touch the screen = something happens (money, button, etc)
9. sprinkler system; reads temperature (mercury breaks) = water everywhere!
10. fire alarm; signal from fire alarm control = makes loud sound
11. motion sensor?; reads movement in front of machine = light turns on

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