Friday, September 9, 2011

Dailey, Natalie, Netalia -Midterm Brainstorm


Dynamic between cyclists, motorists, and pedestrians. Perspective

People v. People

- Reflection of yourself

- Play

People v. Environment

- People are not always aware of their environment

People v. Machines

- People spend most of their time in front of the screen

Project Ideas

- Playful

- Useful, could be placed on campus. 13th Street tunnel

- Crosswalk.

- Social experiments

- Something that create a positive result/ Deters unfavorable behavior

- Something using a projector

Sports, football, Team competition, camaraderie, pranks, diffusing a situation, traffic jams, stop people from looking at traffic accidents, alcohol and aggression, perverts, moderating drinking, stop watching tv, psychological color effect, expectations versus reality, roofies, walking places – pressure sensors, diversion of attention, Transform sounds, accents make people seem more interesting, Why are some accents more appealing than others, making laundry more fun – hanging up instead of using dryer, consumption, instant gratification, Fun waiting in line or at the bus stop, tactile, stealing the light from each other example

1.Something to use at RTS bus stop, mass produced, Fab Lab scholarship

People always sitting at the bus stop, not interacting, getting diverse people to interact, breaking the routine, personal space, using solar powered sensors, transient places, bus stop purpose is waiting, most stops have a bench, pressure sensors on bench, complimenter, speakers underneath the bench, automatic dialogue, musical bench, conversation starters,

2.Encourage people to use the crosswalk. Durable equipment, as people use the crosswalk, the person on walk/don’t walk sign dances. Dance/Don’t Dance. Have a person stand there with an LED sign. Research numerical data of who uses crosswalk.

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