Sunday, November 20, 2016

Mini Project 2 | Process 5

My project is now completed! My concept has changed drastically from when I began this project. Rather than reading body temperature or simply alerting to cold or warm temperatures, this finicky device reads that it is "too cold" to go outside if it is below 75 degrees and "too hot" if it is above 80 degrees. Not only is this an accurate representation of how I personally feel about the weather, but I've recently been battling with stress and what may or may not be depression (I haven't had time to see a counselor, so you know). Sometimes, it is easy to convince myself that one small inconvenience is enough to offset the entire day. If the temperature is even slightly off, why bother going outside? Why bother doing anything? But very rarely, I feel like things are okay and I actually want to get up and do things during that nice 76-79 degree window. I don't think this is actually the best description of my concept, but I'm hoping it at least gets a vague point across. My piece speaks better for it than I do.

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