Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Sept. 3rd Homework Questions

Calculate how much it costs to use five common appliances that you use every day in your home for 24 hours. Please let me know the applicance, its wattage, amps and volts of each appliance and how you calculated cost. 
  1. ceiling fan- 60w, 0.5amp, 120v; $0.26
  2. coffee bean grinder- 170w, 1.42amp ,120v; $0.74
  3. hair dryer- 1875w, 15amp, 125v; $8.10
  4. toothbrush charger- 1.3w, 0.01amp, 120v; $0.06
  5. toaster- 1150w, 9.58amp, 120v; $4.97
How many of those appliances can you pug into one outlet without tripping a breaker? Please do this mathematically rather than through direct experience.

I should really only be running about 2400w on one breaker so I could really only plug in the low wattage appliances with either the hair dryer or the toaster but not both. 

What is the directional relationship between charge and current?
When there is a continuous flow of electrons, there is a current, and the direction which these electrons move is opposite to the direction of the current. 

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