Monday, October 15, 2012


I wanted to take some time to write this post, it usually takes me a while to write down my thoughts and a half hour just wasn't enough.

Reading through our older posts, it is pretty obvious that this project has taken lots of turns. At first we were thinking of having some sort of infinity mirror reflection kaleidoscope looking light bright box, with a front facing camera recording the viewer and LED's displaying a very pixelated image of the viewer inside the box. Switching to a microphone instead of the camera was a great idea and necessary for the success of the project. We are going to try and get verbal interaction from people through the display of text on a LED matrix. We've had a few different thoughts on what the text is going to display. We all were thinking that our project can represent society, in that society tends to praise and idolize the loud people. We could have our project represent society in a way by having it give positive and negative feedback to the user based on their 'loudness'.

This was what I was thinking just before we spoke to you. This is what I was beginning to write.
I wanted to think of our project as an example of individuals in society. Very rarely does a wall flower make it to the limelight. It seems those who are the loudest, are often the ones speaking the most nonsense. I keep thinking of people like Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh, they talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and very rarely is anything of value. In fact most of it is just fluff covered shit; they dress it up really nicely, but ultimately, it is still crap. Sorry about the wording, I really don't know how else to put it.
I was thinking our project could give visual of the nonsense that all these people can't seem to stop talking by giving the loudest people feedback in words that seems positive to someone naive, but really is a pretty negative and or derogatory term. The quietest people would receive no feedback, but constantly be encouraged to speak up. And the people who speak in the middle range would receive a random mix of completely obviously negative or obviously positive feedback. Good job. You suck. Keep up the good work! Worst I've heard in years.

At this point our project is going to be similar to what I was thinking, but slightly altered. Instead of thinking of obnoxious people, we are just going to generalize it down to introverts and extroverts. We are going to reward the extroverts with praise, no matter what they are saying. The introverts are going to be encouraged to speak up through encouraging words. Those people who are more outgoing and loud will reap the rewards of praise first, while the introverts hopefully eventually speaking up.

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