Monday, October 15, 2012

Midterm project - Concept

The artwork works on many levels, on many contexts, therefore, for me, it can be considered a conceptual piece.

The first layer of meaning it has is an existential one; it represents the struggle we have to control our own lives and being aware of our helplessness. The doll is an avatar and by being sewed together and falling apart it shows how simple and delicate and lost we are. We are on the hands of others, mostly, on the hands of fate.

The second layer tells us about ourselves. When you bend the doll`s limbs or press them, it triggers a video that is projected on the wall. This video can be either 'good' or 'bad', depending on how cruelly hard you press/bend the doll. The video is a reflection of your inner self as touch is not something easily controlled, specially when touching something for the first time.

The third possible layer so far is one of social experimentation. This artwork introduces a series of 'Voodoo doll' experiments on sadism, masochism and voyeurism. The videos displayed on this introduction piece are of funny cruelty, of day-to-day sadism and violent acts. There will be people that will get a kick out of hurting the doll and appreciating the videos. Others, won`t. In a psychological basis, this artwork can be a reliable source of data for research on those matters.

Lastly, the artwork stands on itself as a critique of modern internet culture and how Memes represent some of the darkest thoughts of society. How other`s pain become a reason for laughter and how exposing others and making fun of them in a cruel way is part of the sadistic violence of our everyday life.

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