Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Crit Post

I thought crit went just as well as it could considering the circumstances with the weather. Everyones projects turned out great and I really had a lot of fun with them. It would have been way more exciting if we could have lead the class from FAC to the GradHouse instead of just aimlessly walking around the first floor of FAD. Most people mentioned the overall shape of the object and the size of it. Many people said they liked the largeness of the object and that it helped emphasize the concept. It was divided amongst people who said they think we should have added extra gadgets and safety objects to the device. I think the device would have standed better as a piece if it was a little bit more ridiculous. Like bright colors for the object and additional sensors such as the gas sensor and the carbon monoxide sensor. Maybe this project can see the light of day again next semester.

All of the code in each of its stages are visible on my GitHub:

The Fritzing Diagrams are available for download on my GitHub:

In the works


Wearing it

I am going to have work with my internship emailed to you tonight.

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