Friday, December 18, 2015

11/18 - CATCHING UP All Manga Exercises

Manga Guide 1 Pg 1-36
Calculate how much it costs to use five common appliances that you use every day in your home for 24 hours. Please let me know the applicance, its wattage, amps and volts of each appliance and how you calculated cost. You will need to go to GRU or look at one of your electric bills. How many of those appliances can you plug into one outlet without tripping a breaker? Please do this mathematically rather than through direct experience.

  1. 19" TV 150 W 60 Hz
  2. Sharp Microwave 1000 W AC 120V 60 Hz
  3. GE fridge
  4. Kenmore dryer
    240V 30 Amps
  5. Kenmore washer
    120 V 15 Amps
I cannot calculate the cost because I do not get a separate electricity bill at my apartment. It is included with my rent.

Two can be plugged in without tripping a breaker.

Manga Guide 2 Pg 36-80
1. Document yourself creating some static electricity and post to blog. Use the triboelectric series to decide which materials to use to generate static electricity. 
2. Contrast the speed of an electron with the speed of electrical motion in one sentence.
3. Briefly explain the relationship between resistance and energy. Use an example from your house.
4. What is the difference in AC and DC current? Give and example of each from your daily life. If you get shocked,
5. Determine the equivalent resistance of a 6.0 Ω and a 8.0 Ω resistor if …
a. … connected in series.
b. … connected in parallel.
Check out this exhibition where artists use electricity in their work.

I create some static electricity here by rubbing together a blanket that is fresh from the dryer. I decided to do this after remembering how static fuzzy blankets get after coming fresh out of the dryer.

An electron's speed is much slower than the speed of light (less than 1% of the speed.)

Resistance halts or slows the speed or flow of energy. Appliances that work with heat, such as hair dryers, require a lot of resistance so they don't overheat or use too much energy. 

AC means alternating current while DC stands for direct current. The difference is the direction in which the current flows--direct goes in one direction while alternate goes both ways.

The equivalent resistance of a 6.0 Ω and a 8.0 Ω resistor if connected in a series is 14 ohms and if connected parallel, 3.4 ohms.

Manga Guide 3 Pg 90-116
  1. What is the relationship between heat and electricity. Please provide a metaphor. Heat is produced with electricity flows through an electric resistance, like how heat is produced when we eat and digest food. Electricity generates heat because of the thermal vibration in something.
  2. Why is it warm near an incandescent light bulb? Incandescent light bulbs emit light and heat through thermal emission (infrared rays are emitted and then, as the temp rises, so does visible light.)
  3. What is a superconductor? What are they used for in real life? You may have to look this up. How could one make a metal a superconductor? A superconductor has zero electrical resistance and can conduct electricity almost perfectly. One example of a superconductor is superconducting magnets that are used in MRI machines. Metals must be cooled extensively in order to become superconductors.
  4. What is Ampere's Law? Ampere's Law is when magnetic fields are generated in a circular pattern when current flows in electrical wire.
  5. If current of the same size flows in the same direction in two electric wires placed side by side, what happens? The electric magnetic fields with become one large magnetic field and the wires will be attracted to each other.
  6. What happens if current of the same size flows in opposite directions in two electric wires placed side by side? Opposite directions in the flow of the current will make them resist each other.
Manga Guide 3 Pg 156-195
  1. What is an example of a semiconductor device? A thermal resistor
  2. Why is silicon used in the manufacture of semiconductors?  The purity of refined silicon is 99.99999999999%. The silicon crystal also doesn't have any freely moving electrons so electricity will hardly pass through it.
  3. Discuss the difference using an example of the difference between and N-type and P-type semiconductor. N-type means that there is a negative electrical property as opposed to P-type, that has a positive electrical property. Electrical conductivity increases for P-tpe semiconductors.
  4. In your own words describe what a diode does and the role of N and P type semiconductors. A diode is when a p-type semiconductor and an n-type semiconductor are combined to form a p-n junction.
  5. What is rectification? Rectification allows current to flow in only one direction.
  6. What causes color in an LED? Give and example of what causes a particular color. The wavelength of the light emitted depends on the raw material of the semiconductor. InGaN creates a high-brightness blue color in an LED.
  7. What is the relationship between base current and collector current in a transistor? Base current is the current that flows from the base to the emitter whereas the collector current is the current that flows from the collector to the emitter (which flows when the base current flows.)
  8. What are the advantages of a transistor over a switch? Unlike a regular switch, a transistor has no physical contact and won't fail from being worn out. Also, it can be turned on and off rapidly so control can be fine-tuned.

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