Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Manga Guide to electricity part 4 Chapter 5 pp 156-195 (James Worthy)

Manga Guide 4 (pp 156-195)

1.What is an example of a semiconductor device?

Some examples of semiconductor materials are silicon, selenium, and germanium. Semiconductors are materials that act between a conductor and an insulator. They are made into semiconductor devices like diodes and resistors.
2.Why is silicon used in the manufacture of semiconductors? 

This is because refined silicon has purity at almost 100 percent, which makes silicon an ideal candidate for the manufacture of semiconductors. Silicon can be combined with other elements in order to increase its conductivity. This is helpful when making different levels of semiconductors.
3.Discuss the difference using an example of the difference between and N-type and P-type semiconductor.

N-Type: an N-type semiconductor material has elements that have spare electrons. This gives them free electrons, which are negatively charged which can move freely and have the potential to create a current.

P-Type: a P-type semiconductor material has elements with fewer electrons. These have holes that are free to move within the material with the potential to create current as well.

4. In your own world describe what a diode does and the role of N and P type semiconductors.

A diode has an N type on one side and a P type o the other. N types are negative and P types are positive

5. What is rectification?

Rectification is a property that allows the electrical current to flow in only one direction.

6.What causes color in an LED? Give and example of what causes a particular color.

The wavelength of light emitted depends on the raw material of the semiconductor. This creates the various colors of light seen. For example aluminum gallium indium phosphide is used to make red, yellow, and orange types of light.

7.What is the relationship between base current and collector current in a transistor?

In a transistor the base current changes the amount of the collector current in the flow. The base current is when current flows from the base to the emitter. The collector current is when the current goes from the collector to the emitter. The transistor enables the collector current to become greater than the base current.

8. What are the advantages of a transistor over a switch?

A transistor won’t get worn out as easy as a switch. You don’t have to touch a transistor its pretty much a contactless switch.  The control of a transistor can be finely tuned because it can be turned on and off rapidly.

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