Friday, December 18, 2015

Kayla Evans 12/18 Final Project Documentation

Documentation and images of my final project (crit set-up, overall set-up, and documentation of how it works):

Documentation of crit set-up:

Documentation of how it works:

Images of overall set-up:

For this project, I was originally interested in having the act of sifting through evidence or scraps of a story written on burnt paper affect the quality of light/images from a projector. In this piece, an alternate version of my second mini-project, the projector functions as a light source; the heart of this version involved the light moving via a reflective piece of metal to illuminate different portions of the paper as the viewer sifts, tying into the concept of secrets.  This piece also builds on a project I created in my Experimental Drawing course, taken during spring semester.
My original design for this alternate version involved secrets written on the horizontal piece of paper that were revealed as the light moved; after receiving feedback from crit, I feel as if the piece would have benefitted from the inclusion of this text.

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