Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Final Project Documentation


I wanted to create wearable tech that drew attention to itself, that did not hide itself and drew attention to itself. I wanted to create something solarpunk, and while it did not have any solar panels, the re-use of old parts wembodies part of the solarpunk spirit. The light varies according to movement, due to the accelerometer.

For the most part I though this project was successful. Charlie said that the most successful part was the necklace, sine the wires used un the arm-band did not allow for flowing movement.

A/N. During crit there was issue with the lithium ion coin cell battery not providing enough voltage to run the program, so I came back a second day with a rechargeable battery that I used a usb cable to attach and kept it in my pocket. It allowed for an extended use, 20+ hours per charge, and greater mobility.

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