Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Final Project- The Last Time

Hello reader, 

My name is Tatyana. And I am Kelsey. And we are here to talk to you about our Final Sensors Project. 

At the beginning we were hopeful. Happy even. We had an idea early on, one with both an aesthetic appeal and concept to back it up. Our progress was slow, but quite steady. Week after week, we learned something new, and something difficult; yet we persevered. You can't fathom our joy, nay elation when a code worked, or a motor ran, or a daisy chain was successfully soldered. Or the satisfaction felt when our platform was made, our wood painted, and our permeable assembled. 

no words.

So, by now you may be able to understand how confident we were the day before critique: we merely went down to our project, fine tuned some last minute touches, and then turned on its glory.

To find it not to work. 

It doesn't work. AT ALL.

The usb cable, or the Arduino or the serial port are all working together– to not work. 

And we are at a loss for words.
And while we did have a pity party (lasting an hour or so, with only our closest friends), we realized something this morning. Perhaps it's due to the much needed hours of sleep we actually got last night, or the fact that today is the last day of finals, but we realized, that while our project may have failed LITERALLY THE LAST DAY BEFORE WE NEEDED IT, we did in fact still learn something. Actually we learned a lot. We've overcome soo many obstacles (sleep), and thought a lot bigger than we ever thought we could for a sensors class. In all honesty, isn't that the point?

It doesn't work. Yes. But we are ok with that. In fact, we're quite proud.

Thank you for the semester. Happy Holidays.

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