Sunday, October 7, 2012

Group Project

Found this artist Teddy Lo he works a lot with LED's and has projects like "Text me & Theremin" which has to do with communication and reacting LED's.

This is just a really cool use of LED's with long exposure photography!page-5

Using LED's for a message

This installation is one of the most recent lightobjects by Klotz. 3D-messenger has it's own ip- and mac-adress wich makes it directly tangible to the world wide web!

Visitors of a website can submit their message wich will be displayed letter by letter in the installation. You are able to read the message from both directions because the letters flip halfway during the animation. It is also possible to display the amount of visitors of a website realtime, in abstract or on a nummeric base.

3D Messenger

LED's reacting to sound.

Tunnel Vision
Tunnel Vision is an interactive light and sound installation inspired by Nicolas Tesla, Serbian inventor, physicist, mechanical engineer, and electrical engineer.Also known as 'the patron saint of modern electricity'.

The shape of the work is based upon an abstaction of the 100Hz buzz tone produced by electrical generators. This effect is known as magnetostriction; a property of ferromagnetic materials that causes them to change their shape when subjected to a magnetic field.

Tunnel Vision

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