Tuesday, December 10, 2013

artists responses MOMA

- http://www.moma.org/interactives/exhibitions/2011/talktome/objects/140000c/

Continuity Game,

This piece by Guy Lima Jr. was interesting as it made me question the whole what is art and what is a game idea, and whether or not they are capable of being the same entity. My personal opinion is that yes games art forms of art, people create them to entertain people, make them think, question, believe, or simply convey some sort of idea. I believe this piece serves well in both aspects. In on part you have a game that is nearly infinite in possibility, and on the other hand it is visibly presented the way it is by an artists choice. The realm, color, character etc are all artistic decisions. Personally I could see myself playing this for hours, specially on a mobile device, when traveling via car plane etc. and extended period of sitting.


Analog Digital Clock,

Is a movie in which a guy is painting over and wiping clean a glass screen that presents itself as a digital clock. The irony is the human factor in this "digital clock". What is very interesting to me is the diversity of this piece, and begs to question is it a digital piece, or a performance piece, or simply a video? Visually it is quite engaging as well. Seeing the number being produced beckons the idea of handwriting and lettering of the human hand, however it is producing a distinclty digital number in design and form. This irony that Maarten Bass is playing with is recurring in his work and really makes the viewer stop and think. 



Robert Faludi and Kate Hartman work together on this project. It is a program linked up to a plant which lets the owner know some of the plants major needs. It is cool as it allows communication (somewhat) between human and plant, both organic; bother world apart in terms of communication. It gives the plant a sort of personality, almost like one you would find with an animal or pets. What intrigued me most about this project was the use of plants. I feel as though plants, though from the same world, are completely different and complex beings besides ourselves, it made me think of Avatar as well, how the plants had a system of communication like synapses of the brain, and information was sent via these channels, very unrealistic but a cool idea nonetheless.

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