Thursday, December 12, 2013

Final Project Process: Final idea.

Taking the idea of the vibe boards i was thinking of at first making the same thing but on a simpler scale of just one sensor as you entered the house it would set off the vibe board to the possible rhythm of a heart beat. With the help of Dragan the idea was proposed to have the vibe boards connect to a house hold object like a chari, lamp, fridge, cabinets, carpet, ceiling etc. I wet with the chair. I was initially messing around with a push button system to set the vibe boards off then, i went to a range finder, then the idea came up from either Dragan or I of RFIDS. This is what lead t the current idea of having a chair or other house hold object that was loyal to only one person; its owner. The idea of using a waveshield to communicate the idea further came up, so I tried to use both the boards and the wave shield.

The concept is:
Chair that is loyal only to its owner.

chair the razzes anyone who doesnt have the right RFID: not the owner.
when the right RFID is scanned the chair starts to beat like a heart and begins to play reminiscient sounds that the owner would make while sitting on the chair from the squeaks of the chair itself to him/ her coughing, yawing, and snoring.

The vibe boards are places at sensitive physical locations on the body symbolizing the sensitive nature of the chair and the person.

1 Arduino
1 WaveShield
10 "Lily Pad" Vibe Board

The Home stretch:
Put strings on RFID's and hang the on wall for classmates to grab.
double sided tape on RFID's and RFID tags so they sit on the readers.
Safety pins to attach vibe boards to furniture (chair).

double-sided tape
string/ twine
push pins
safety pins
electric tape *so vibe boards wont short out on safety pins
speakers (WaveShield)
extension cord
battery pack (waveshield)

*tape breadboard together so pins dont come out.

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