Sunday, December 8, 2013

Testing it out and Adjusting Code!

It actually took quite some time to figure out why our wav files weren't playing! In the end, not only could it have been the amount of characters we used to name the files (we had them all in .wav format and in all caps), but also the way we had the tracks set up. We needed to convert stereo to mono and then delete the second track. Then it worked and all was well! For a while there, we only had one fully-functioning bark track. That would have been boring. 

We also figured out how to make the dogs tail wag a little differently. We programmed all of the cards so that some will signal the dog's tail to wag, and others will make the dog bark at the person. 

We couldn't get the two readers to work right next to each other at first, but after spreading them out, we realized they might just have been interfering with the signals. 

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