Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Final Project Critique

We were really excited when the wind sensor was working properly and just a puff would trip the relay box to then turn the light on. We learned that the wind sensor varies in every location so at the apartment when the air kicked on, the relay box would kick even when no one was blowing on it. We had to take that into consideration when figuring out the correct threshold. We also learned that making our own candle is a pain in the butt. We're boycotting candles and wax for a good while. In critique they're were some suggestions that we would like to move forth with. One was using a real candle and a real flame instead of the LED. We would love to experiment with that for the future maybe for even our senior project. Another was that the LED was red. Very true perhaps a yellow or even white LED would have been better. Lastly was with the presentation. Although this apparatus had wires and batteries coming from each way, concealing everything would have been better for presentation (although we tried with black electrical tape). A table cloth could have done the trick or drilling holes through the side table could have done it as well. These are all things we will take into consideration if we decide to move forward with this project. It was really exciting getting it to actually work and convert to AC power. We're both really excited about how much we've learned through this course. 

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