Wednesday, October 29, 2014

All Manga Questions, Ch 2 Pr 4, Ch3 Pr Mood lamp, 5, 6, Solder evidence/waveshield, url for adafruit 0-3

2. Contrast the speed of an electron with the speed of electrical motion in one sentence.

electrons that flow through a current are moving fast, yet the electric current is actually a slow flow.

3. Briefly explain the relationship between resistance and energy. Use an example from your house.

The power supply of a particular object makes the current flow while resistors hinder this flow. Some appliances use electric resistance. Appliances that heat up use resistance to do so. As the energy flows through the resistors they "hold" onto the energy and thus the metal will get hot as the resistance grows higher and the friction of the electrons grows higher.

4. What is the difference in AC and DC current? Give and example of each from your daily life.

If you get shocked, DC current is also called direct current is when the direction and the size of the current is fixed. A DC power supply is a battery. AC or Alternating Current is when the current flow is alternating cyclically with time. An example of this is a wall outlet.

5. Determine the equivalent resistance of a 6.0 Ω and a 8.0 Ω resistor if …

a. … connected in series.
6.0 + 8.0 = 14.0 ohms
b. … connected in parallel.
(6.0 x 8.0) / (6.0 + 8.0) = 3.43 ohms

How many of those appliances can you pug into one outlet without tripping a breaker? 

dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, electric shaver, and ceiling fan.

Dishwasher: 1200W, 110V, 10.9 amps, 1.2kwh
- Average cost: $0.94 per use

Microwave: 750W, 220V, 3.4 amps, 0.75kwh
- Average cost: $0.59 per use

Refrigerator: 727W, 220V, 3.29amps, 0.725kwh
- Average cost: $0.57 per hour, $13.68 for 24 hours

Electric shaver: 1200W, 110V, 10.9amps, 1.2kwh
- Average cost: $0.94 each use

Ceiling Fan: 70W, 120V, 0.583amps, 0.70kwh
- Average cost: $0.05 per hour, $1.20 per day (24 hours)

What is the directional relationship between charge and current?

The directional relationship depends on the magnetic force while being a source of the magnetic field. Current is the rate of charge that goes past a given point. The flow of current it opposite of that of the electron charge.

What is the relationship between heat and electricity?

Heat produced is to calories when food is digested, as heat produced is to joules when electricity flows through an electric resistance.

Why is it warm near an incandescent light bulb?

The principle of light emission in light bulbs is paired with thermal emission. The temperature of a substance increases and thermal energy is emitted as electromagnetic waves and as the temperature rises, visible light is emitted.

What is a superconductor? What are they used for in real life? You may have to look this up. How could one make a metal a superconductor?

A superconductor is a material that, when the temperature drops near absolute zero, the atoms reach a state of rest. At this point, electrons are able to move freely without colliding with the atoms, and there is no resistance at all. In real life they're used for things with crazy high magnetic fields, like MRI's and Maglev trains.
To make a metal superconductor, somehow bring aluminum to near absolute zero.

What is Ampere's Law?

When current flows in an electric wire, a magnetic field with a circular pattern is generated around that wire. The magnitude of this magnetic field varies according to the strength of the current. If the direction of the current changes, the direction of the magnetic field also changes.

If current of the same size flows in the same direction in two electric wires placed side by side, what happens?

A magnetic field for twice the current is generated.

What happens if current of the same size flows in opposite directions in two electric wires placed side by side?

The two magnetic fields negate each other.

What is an example of a semiconductor device?


Why is silicon used in the manufacture of semiconductors? 

The valence electrons are all closely together so when another electron moves through it, it is very difficult. Thus is something with 5 valence electrons come through there is a free electron increasing conductivity

Discuss the difference using an example of the difference between and N-type and P-type semiconductor.

A N-Type semiconductor because the electron which has a negative electrical property, becomes a carrier of electricity. While a P-Type semiconductor because it has a hold which has a positive electrical property, becomes a carrier of electricity.

In your own words describe what a diode does and the role of N and P type semiconductors.
A diode only lets current flow in one direction and in order to form this diode a N-Type and a P-Type must be combined. 

What is rectification?

This allows current to flow in only one direction.

What causes color in an LED? Give and example of what causes a particular color.

Because the wavelength of the light emitted depends on the raw material of the semiconductor, various colors of light are created. There are certain crystals that are used to make various colors.

What is the relationship between base current and collector current in a transistor?

A base current is the current that flows down the base to the emitter and the collector current is the current that flows from the collector to the emitter. The collector will change significantly even with a small change in base.

What are the advantages of a transistor over a switch? 

 It doesn't have physical contact so it doesn't fail.

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