Monday, October 6, 2014

Process 1.5

After talking with Katerie, decided to go in a more tactile direction, instead of garnering attention with an image in our piece. We talked about what would make someone want to come up to a piece and touch it and Juan and Katerie mentioned if something looked wet, people would want to touch it. So here are some materials that we thought of and could compound with silicon breast inserts that we talked about.

This has a lot of materials that we had already mentioned and some good ones for sure (even though it's just a Buzzfeed video):

This link isn't as good, but the electric fence was kind of unexpected:

Another option:
We could also do something where it's a consistent form, but the texture is different. Like if we used the silicon inserts as a base, and could choose any three to use: plain silicon, fur covered, bubble wrapped, fake hair covered, sequin covered, sandpaper covered, glitter,

cloud/fluffy - pom poms

flubber material


Tantalizing animal textures DIY


small stoney texutre:

this came up when I searched "fun to touch texture" in google images:

pinecones, sand, zen sand box rock garden thing, make up brushes

washboard abs

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