Answer the following on the blog.
What is the relationship between heat and electricity. Please provide a metaphor.
Heat and electricity are like jumping beans. The more the beans are vibrated the more they will move around. This motion produces heat and that heat is what powers the electricity. In other words, "Heat is nothing more than the vibrations of atoms and molecules. When you pass a current through a conductor, the electrons bump into the atoms as they move through it. This increases the vibrations and the temperature of the conductor rises."
Why is it warm near an incandescent light bulb?
Thermal emissions cause it to be warm near incandescent lightbulbs.
What is a superconductor? What are they used for in real life? You may have to look this up. How could one make a metal a superconductor?
A superconductor is the best conductor for electricity because current flows through it continuously without decreasing in strength. Magnets can be used to make superconductors. They are used in MRI's and maglev trains.
What is Ampere's Law?
Ampere's Law is that Magnetic fields are created when electricity is in use. They form circular patterns around wire.
If current of the same size flows in the same direction in two electric wires placed side by side, what happens?
The wires will be attracted to one another.
What happens if current of the same size flows in opposite directions in two electric wires placed side by side?
The magnetic field will disappear.
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