Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Observing interactions and people

based on my difference culture, Im always interest in observing people to find more differences in people life.
one of the most thing that I saw these days a lot is about people and their cellphone. I saw that how people involve and attach with their cellphone.  When you come to the bus you see everybody are busy with looking down to their cellphone and they prefer to pretend that  they are busy instead of talking with each other.

The other interesting thing is that people here, are observe their distance with others. For example the bus has a limitation for fulling  the people and if the bus is very full still people don't have collision or touching. Or for  working with ATM machine there is a standard distance that people can keep their privacy and avoid to show their password ad other people know that they don't  have to be very close  to ATM machine or look at the peoples working on the screen. These are shows that people know and respect to their privacy. 
In addition, I saw that people don't pay attention to other people what they do or watch them what they do, there is not too much CURIOSITY,  mostly they are busy with their own works and they don't judge  or give a comments to each other.

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