Sunday, September 27, 2015

9/28 Manga 90-116

Manga Guide to Electricity Read 90-116

What is the relationship between heat and electricity. Please provide a metaphor.

When current flows through a resistance, heat is generated. Like when I pet (current) my dog and she sheds(heat) everywhere.

Why is it warm near an incandescent light bulb?

because of thermal emission, when the temperature of a substance increases and thermal energy is emitted as electromagnetic waves

What is a superconductor?
A superconductor conducts electricity perfectly, meaning an electrical current in a superconducting wire would continue to flow round in circles for billions of years, never degrading or dissipating.

What are they used for in real life? 
How could one make a metal a superconductor?
lower a substance's temperature to be near absolute zero

What is Ampere's Law?

Magnetic fields are generated in a circular pattern around the wire the current flows in.

If current of the same size flows in the same direction in two electric wires placed side by side, what happens?

the magnetic fields generated are combined to generate a magnetic field of twice the current around both conductors

What happens if current of the same size flows in opposite directions in two electric wires placed side by side?

a force of repulsion is generated between the wires

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