Saturday, October 15, 2016

Mini Project Process 5/5

Post Crit Notes:

I need to think of a more efficient way of gluing my bits together. The switch was so tiny, and I was adhering it to a 1/32" piece of balsa, the entire thing was pretty delicate. I figured hot glue would work without seeping into the circuitry. Some of my classmates used wood glue, but I'm hesitant to do the same. I liked how the hot glue only took seconds to dry. I'm scared of being frozen for minutes at a time holding such small pieces together only to drop the whole thing and start over.
Also I need to do as Eddie did and elevate the motors so that the spinning mechanisms are more flush to the pieces they move. It's just prettier that way.
Also I need to research how to use a battery to charge the arduino itself ALONG with the bits. If I disconnected the USB from the computer, only the servo would function. I'd like it to be battery operated, such that the presentation just appears cleaner and I don't have to worry about laser cutting cord holes in my art.

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