Sunday, August 28, 2011

"August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains"

At first glance and reading of the article I expected an expression of future advances in technology. It took several sentences for me to fully realize that this house was alone. After reading and getting the apocalyptic message and understanding what generally is going on in the article several notions stuck out to me.

The attachment we place on inanimate objects that we personify as this whole article does to the house and objects within. The thought and emotional attachment we as humans have for certain things and object which don't every or can't express the same attachment to ourselves. The fact that we can't even get that emotional or devoted attachment to one another and can not really see how much something/one means to us. The notion of caring and feeling that expression is very difficult to explain correctly to correlate.

A power section was the reference to the dogs death. A very sad section where as from a perspective of a human that this animal couldn't be helped. Why didn't the dog jump up and take the food from the counters? My dog if we forget to feed her once she will just up on the counters and take food. Does this house prevent this? What is the role of being completely helpless. Seeing exactly what you need right in front of you and some force is preventing you from acquiring what you need. Is it ourselves stopping our self or something actually there. A combination of the two? What causes our inaction and our willingness to give in and give up to death. Maybe the dog was so used to being automatically feed and sustained that it forgot how to act and how to be. How to fight, how to get for oneself when the free lunch is done with and can't be sustained anymore?

The lack of the fighting or even knowing if death is there. Are we better off dead or a quitter then trying? If you do give up as an individual would technology or even loved ones in the end, "know that we were gone" sometimes not. Then questioning the point of continuing on and why we do what we do. Continuing on towards this unknown march while we fight or don't fight for a life that will end.

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