Monday, August 29, 2011

Blog question on electricity

Explain in your own words the phenomenon of static electricity and in doing so, define using metaphor or analogy the concept of electricity.

Static electricty happens when electricity is stored in a conductive material (like socks) by way of friction. The friction encourages positively charged ions to move to the conductive material which is negatively charged. When the positively charged object/material comes in contact with a negatively charged object the charge is released. The energy released is known as electricity.

How would you make an electromagnet...

I could use a nail, some wire and a 9v battery to make one. If you wrap the nail in the wire and put the wire to the + and - of the 9v it will create a current through the nail and make it magnetic.

What experiment would you like to do...

I didn't get to look through all of the experiments in the book but I'd like to do an experiment using servo motors.

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