Monday, August 29, 2011

static electricity

Explain in your own words the phenomenon of static electricity and in doing so, define using metaphor or analogy the concept of electricity. Do this all in about 4-5 sentences.

Static electricity is on the surface of objects/ people. It is composed by electric charge. The static charges will lose once the it is quickly neutralized by a discharge. For example, in the morning, our hair will be flying and stick to the brush when we use a plastic brush fix hair in very dry environment. It is because the hair and the plastic brush have separated positive and negative charges. When the brush touched the hair, elections was moving from hair to the brush. Then static electricity phenomenon happened.

How would you make an electromagnet from materials around your house?
What experiment in the Getting Started With Electronics book did you most want to try at home and why?

I want to try the "electroscope" example. I think the method maybe useful for my thesis projects exploration. I am very interested in blow the paper open in a jar. I was thinking I can write something on the paper so that to make the project meaningful.

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