Saturday, December 12, 2009

DOET ch5

--What are the six different varieties of slips? Give a real life example of each (not one found in book).

Capture Errors:
In the mornings I've mindlessly rode my bike to school on routes which I used for classes I had last semester.

Description Errors:
My roommate moved the utensils to a different drawer almost a year ago and each day I look for utensils in the old drawer before remembering the change- without fail.

I have written my old home area code in place of my Gainesville area code many times.

Associative Activation Errors:
I have confused my cellphone alarm with the ringing of an incoming call.

I'll go to the kitchen and after looking in the refrigerator for a moment realize I don't remember ever being hungry.

Mode Error:
Anytime I use my cellphones calculator I will first automatically go to the alarm mode because its a more used function and slightly quicker to access.

--Create a flowchart diagram of the set of interactions a person will undertake when interacting with your groups piece. Where are the potentials for error?

User puts the device on<--->position the sensors on his/her neck<--->speaks and acts normally<--->notices the sensor information
positioning the sensor correctly could be an issue because it's sensitivity is low enough that in the wrong area the device will not function.

--How do you personally memorize/retrieve information? Give examples.

I remember things by personalizing action, steps, and data. The information is then retrieved by interpreting how these personas would act. Its a poor system that hasn't got me far.
Ex: the longest end of a diode is the positive because diodes like(positive) being tall(long).

--What is the connectionist approach?

Experience and memory is composed of a web of neurons which link together to form a system which references old information as new information is encoded as new neuron connections.

--Explain what is meant by the expressions, wide and deep structures and shallow structures. What are the potentials for each or perhaps only one of these types of structure in your group’s project?

These expressions refer to the availability of options in a system. Wide structure have many option with which to begin. Deep structure have expanding options. Shallow structure have overall few options. I would describe our project as a shallow structure, device has one function and therefor one option.

--What activities must a person perform simultaneously when “doing” your groups’s project?

The user should speak normally and at moments look at his/her wrist.

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