Saturday, December 5, 2009


So I finally got the waveshield to work. There were soldering issues. The first time I got it to work, the wires going from pin 2 to 10 weren't soldered in. It worked temporarily, but once the wires moved, the sound didn't come through. So of course I had to solder those wires. As soon as I did that, the waveshield didn't want to work again. So I used by little wire checker thing to detect where there wasn't a connection and found two spots where the solder wasn't conencted to the board properly. So I had to resolder them twice and thankfully it worked out. Turns out my soldering iron wasn't hot enough, so it wasn't heating the board and the metal properly.

Sooo now it works. I have to make it work with the force sensor now. After I do that, I need to actually record my WAV file that I want to play and replace it on the memory card.

I've got a working code. Now what I need is the chair, two female to female header pins, and I need to figure out how to connect the force senor to the arduino so it coordinates with the code. I should be able to do all of that tomorrow if things go my way. Much luck wishing to me myself and I~

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