Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Reading, Why didn't the house feed the dog?

I find some people dependence on technology to be sad. People depend on their smart phones to do to many common tasks that they could do themselves. Leaving them lost and hopeless when the phone is taken away. How hard is it to add, or remember land marks and directions, will it come to the point that we will forget how to write because we will be typing instead? I have had a dumb for a while, a phone that only receives calls and text messages. I like being disconnected from all of that gadgetry that seems to take so much time out of your life. In the story gadgets and technology is heartless, as in the removal and death of the dog, why wasn't the house programmed to feed the dog? As in the story the house and technology continued onward after the people were killed. Now when someone dies their Facebook page continues on living. Facebook sends you a notification that its their birthday, but they are dead. In my daily life I depend on technology for many things, electricity, internet, vehicles. Just cooking a meal depends on technology, getting groceries, food storage.

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