Monday, August 25, 2014

What I know

Initially I notice the 3.0 to 2.0 USB cable as the first thing I know that I have seen before and understand the function of.  Then I look at the labels to know the names of some of the other items in the box. I see the DC Toy Motor and figure that it is something than spins slowly like how the handle on a crank operated jack-in-the-box looks. Just as a mental image. I look at the plug that reminds me of an old cellphone charger before every charger became usb chargers. After that, it all turns into basically plugs and wires of different colors. I figure that the colors are important for organizing the wires because I notice certain colors are certain lengths. I'm curious to see what the micro servo and breadboard do and how they function simply because they have interesting names to me.

I'm looking at the arduino unit and find it comical that the actual equipment in the box looks exactly like the little picture on the outside of the box. I'm not used to something matching the picture. I don't know what any of these little numbers and label on the actual device mean. I honestly am a bit intimidated in trying to learn this information.

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