Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Process 2: Rangefinder and Wave Shield Code

Here is my code for the project.
Drop Box File: RangeFinder Code

The reason I only had one sound (garbage dumping) leave the project during critique, is due to the quality of the wav files on my SD. The wav shield was pretty picky and only wanted things in mono and the names of the files had to be super short. So for my next project, I seriously have to prime my files and make sure they suit the wave shield well. I love what it can do, so I'm willing to try.

Also for my next project I plan on using amplifiers, of which I have researched, ordered, and received. My last project proved a little too quiet, so hopefully these amplifier breakout boards will help. All it will take is a little experimentation. I'm looking forward to it! I also have to better define the range sensitivity for the sensor. My understanding is not sharp enough. It had a wider range for the garbage dumping sound effect and then I made a tweak last minute that made it less sensitive. That is why it only reacted at close range during critique.

Here are all the wav files I had on my SD card:
Prj Wav Files

I hope to experiment with sound for my next project. These audio files did not require much experimentation, other than adjusting to mono...a method that still wouldn't work. I will make it work!!! Hopefully I can also create my own sounds too.. But I will be relying on bird sound audio from ornithologist experts on youtube.

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