Monday, December 15, 2014

Semester Work-The Manga Giude to Electricity: pg 1-36, pg36-80, pg90-116, pg156-195

Read pages 1-36 in The Manga Guide to Electricity and post questions to blog.
Calculate how much it costs to use five common appliances that you use every day in your home for 24 hours.
Please let me know the appliance, its wattage, amps and volts of each appliance and how you calculated cost.
You will need to go to GRU or look at one of your electric bills.

(Math Help from Engineer Major Boyfriend, Domo)
[1] Microwave
    Wattage (W): 950W
    Amps (A): 7.92A
    Volts (V): 120V
    GRU Cost: $1.92/day OR 0.95kW * $0.084 $/kWh (tier 3) * 24hr/day
[2] Rice Cooker
    Wattage (W): 450W
    Amps (A): 3.75A
    Volts (V): 120V
    GRU Cost: $0.45/day OR 0.45kW * 0.042 $/kWh (tier 2) * 24hr/day
[3] Router
    Wattage (W): 18W
    Amps (A): 2.5A
    Volts (V): 12V
    GRU Cost: $0.01/day OR 0.018kW * 0.031 $/kWh (tier 1) * 24hr/day
[4] Vacuum
    Wattage (W): 240W
    Amps (A): 2.0A
    Volts (V): 120V
    GRU Cost: $0.18/day OR 0.240kW * 0.031 $/kWh (tier 1) * 24hr/day
[5] Washer
    Wattage (W): 1200W
    Amps (A): 10A
    Volts (V): 120V
    GRU Cost: $2.42/day OR 1.2kW * 0.084 $/kWh (tier 3) * 24hr/day

How many of those appliances can you plug into one outlet without tripping a breaker? Please do this mathematically rather than through direct experience.
Only 4 out of the 5 will be allowed before tripping the breaker.  Everything except the washer will add up to 16.17A which is less than the 20A limit. ( 7.92+3.75+2.5+2=16.17A)

What is the directional relationship between charge and current?
A: The direction that the current flows is directly opposite of the flow of electrons or  negatively charged particles.

Read pp 36-80 in The Manga Guide to Electricity.

Briefly explain the relationship between resistance and energy. Use an example from your house.
A: Resistance often times acts as a converter for energy. A good example of this is with a light bulb. It converts electric energy to light energy.

What is the difference in AC and DC current? Give an example of each from your daily life. If you get shocked.
A: DC refers to direct current while AC refers to alternating current.  A flashlight is an example of an object that uses DC current. An electric outlet is an example of a household name that uses AC current. If you get shocked by alternating current, you’ll feel a tingling sensation, but if you get shocked by direct current, you’ll feel a pricking pain.

Determine the equivalent resistance of a 6.0 O and a 8.0 O resistor if …
a. … connected in series.
A: 14 ohms

b. … connected in parallel..0
A: 3.43 ohms or 24/7 ohms

Manga Guide to Electricity Read 90-116
Answer the following on the blog.
What is the relationship between heat and electricity. Please provide a metaphor.
A: Electricity generates heat. Heat is also produced when electricity flows through an electric resistance. The higher the temperature, the higher the electric resistance  and the greater the flow of electricity. Imagine a train with moving passengers. If you are an electron and other passengers are atoms, you bumping into them causes them to move around more.

Why is it warm near an incandescent light bulb?
A: In an incandescent light bulb, current flows through a resistance, which causes infrared rays to be emitted. These rays cause the temperature to rise.

What is a superconductor? What are they used for in real life? You may have to look this up. 
A: A metal that who, at absolute zero temperature, has no resistance, allowing its atoms to travel freely without colliding. Some superconductors are used in magnets. Others are used on a larger scale like in that of a magnet train.

How could one make a metal a superconductor?
A: Expose that particular metal to absolute zero (0 degrees Kelvin) termperatures.

What is Ampere's Law?
A: A law used to indicate the direction of the flow of current and magnetic fields surrounding an electric wire using one’s right hand. When making a ‘thumbs up’ gesture with your right hand, your thumb would indicate the direction of the current and the way your  other four fingers curl would indicate the flow of the magnetic fields

If current of the same size flows in the same direction in two electric wires placed side by side, what happens?
A: Two things happen, the wires create two magnetic fields that combine to make a large magnetic field, and the two wires attract each other.

What happens if current of the same size flows in opposite directions in two electric wires placed side by side?
A: The magnetic fields created by both rods cause a force of repulsion and cause one another to disappear.

Manga Electricity pg156-195:

Please answer the following on the blog:

1. What is an example of a semiconductor device?
A: A transistor

2. Why is silicon used in the manufacture of semiconductors?
A: Silicon is used in the manufacture of semiconductors because Silicon has four valence electrons in its outermost shell. Because of this, it does not have any electrons that can freely move around so electricity will hardly pass through it. It also makes it easy to bond with many elements.

3. Discuss the difference using an example of the difference between and N-type and P-type semiconductor.
A: A semiconductor can be either an N-type or P-type semiconductor based on how the two elements bond. If a semiconductor has an excess of electrons after bonding, then it is considered an N-type semiconductor because, there is an excess of electrons which causes a negative electrical property. A P-type semiconductor would still need valence electrons and would thus, have a positive electrical property.

4. In your own words describe what a diode does and the role of N and P type semiconductors.
A: A diode is a structure that combines both a n N and P-type semiconductors so that there are no holes or free electrons. In a way, the N and P-type semiconductors balance themselves out.

5. What is rectification?
A: Rectification is a property of a diode that allows current to flow only in one direction.

6. What causes color in an LED? Give an example of what causes a particular color.
A: Energy that is released inside an LED after forward bias is applied causes color to be emitter in an LED. The wavelength of the light is dependent on the raw material of the semiconductor, which produces various colors of light.

7. What is the relationship between base current and collector current in a transistor?
A: In a transistor, base current and collector current flow at the same time.  A transistor will always enable the collector current to become much greater than the base current. As a result, collector current will significantly change as a result of slight change in the base current.  A good way to adjust collector current is to adjust base current.

8. What are the advantages of a transistor over a switch?
A: Like a switch, a transistor can be used to shut things off. However, it doesn’t need physical contact, so it doesn’t wear out and is less likely to fail. It can also be turned on and off rapidly, allowing control to be fine tuned.

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