Monday, August 26, 2013

Soft Rains

Should the apocalypse come to Gainesville, there wouldn't be much going on in my room. My lights are all off, except for a small nightlight kept in the hallway. My printer would be plugged in and ready to be turned on, but with no one left to press the power switch it will never really function again. Same with the phone charger and string of christmas light hung up on the wall. The AC unit would continue to push out chilled air into the room keeping everything at a nice even temperature. But otherwise, It would be quite dead in there. Eventually the night light would burn out, and flicker to darkness, and no doubt the AC unit would corrode itself away to a similar fate.

I believe the situation Bradbury Proposes could happen, particularly if we continue to make products and systems that run themselves. But eventually even electronics die out, and they would fail without the maintenance they would eventually need. It certainly would be erie to see though.

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